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Spamfilter Beispiel

Hier als Beispiel eine E-Mail, die von unserem Spamfilter als Spam klassifiziert und entsprechend markiert wurde:

Date: Sun, 09 Jul 2006 04:22:29 -0500
From: dessie cox 
Subject: [SPAM] New, un-known and exciting huge profit career.
To: Jerlene Burton 
Cc: *@lf.net, *@lf.net, *@lf.net, *@lf.net, *@lf.net
X-Spam-Flag: YES
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.3 (2006-06-01) on *.LF.net
X-Spam-Level: *************
X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=13.4 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_60,
        autolearn=no version=3.1.3

[-- Attachment #1 --]
[-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: 8bit, Size: 1.3K --]

Spam detection software, running on the system "*.LF.net", has
identified this incoming email as possible spam.  The original message
has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label
similar future email.  If you have any questions, see
support@LF.net for details.

Content preview:  New, un-known and exciting huge profit career. Hear
  overview at 24 hour a day. 1.303.395.3900 Just above to study more or to
  discontinue receiving additional information and then to see location

Content analysis details:   (13.4 points, 5.0 required)

 pts rule name              description
---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
 2.0 DATE_IN_FUTURE_03_06   Date: is 3 to 6 hours after Received: date
 3.5 BAYES_60               BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 60 to 80%
                            [score: 0.7192]
 2.0 RCVD_IN_SORBS_DUL      RBL: SORBS: sent directly from dynamic IP address
                            [ listed in dnsbl.sorbs.net]
 3.9 RCVD_IN_XBL            RBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus XBL
                            [ listed in sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org]
 1.9 RCVD_IN_NJABL_DUL      RBL: NJABL: dialup sender did non-local SMTP
                            [ listed in combined.njabl.org]

[-- Attachment #2: original message before SpamAssassin --]
[-- Type: message/rfc822, Encoding: 8bit, Size: 1.2K --]

Date: Sun, 09 Jul 2006 04:22:29 -0500
From: dessie cox 
Subject: New, un-known and exciting huge profit career.
To: Jerlene Burton 
Cc: *@lf.net, *@lf.net, *@lf.net, *@lf.net, *@lf.net
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400

New, un-known and exciting huge profit career. Hear overview at 24 hour a


Just above to study more or to discontinue receiving additional information
and then to see location

His companion was quick to prove the accuracy of the Character Marker.
Seeing the boy's back turned, he seized a long iron bar that was used to
operate the telescope, and struck at Rob so fiercely that had he not worn
the Garment of Protection his skull would have been crushed by the blowm8

$Id: spamexample.inc,v 1.3 2006/07/17 14:18:47 fh Exp $

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